Next stop – Värmland

Värmland what the heck is that?

Värmland is a province in Sweden, it’s very close to the border of Norway and it’s about 450 km from Stockholm, slightly up to north.

Our family owns a house in here and this is where me and James are heading towards today. We are in the car just now actually!


As you may or may not know, there are A LOT of forest in Sweden. Like heaps. Here are some pictures of the nature in Värmland, you can also see a typical Swedish looking house next to the river/stream called Dalälven above.

My grandma and her siblings grew up in this house, it was originally built late 1800 I think but it has of course been renovated and modernized since! I will take some pictures to show you all as soon as we get there.

There are actually quite a lot of wolfs, bears and moose in the forest nearby, but they tend to be very shy so you have to be very (un)lucky to meet one.

There is also a ski hill only 10 minutes away from the house which we will visit as well!

I can’t wait to arrive!
