Getting more done, the Fredrik Eklund way!

I don’t know if you’ve heard about Fredrik Eklund before? He was participating in the hit tv-show Million dollar listings. He’s a Swedish guy who went to the states and just killed it, not literally but he killed all opponents in the real estate market (again, not literally).
I know that he has an office here in Stockholm, New York and he might have a couple of more, not entirely sure to be honest. But he’s selling real estate for 1 billion dollars, yes 1 billion a year. So I don’t know about you, but I am very intrigued by him and I am enjoying reading his book very much.

Fredrik with his puppies!

I love that he shares a lot about his private life, because it makes it easier to understand that he is just like us. Maybe with more confidence than most of us, but that’s probably because he is so sure of his goals and he knows that he’s good at what he’s doing, so I’ll give him that. He also give really good tips about everything from following your dreams, to business cards and building a social media brand.

In the book he shares a typical day, from the moment that he gets up at 5:30 am to that he will turn his phone off at 9:30 pm (he’s a strong man). What I learned is that, I need to get up earlier, and that’s why I actually got up at 6 am this morning *pause for applauds* I also learnt that I need to use every single moment and day to work towards my goals. There is no down time when its work time, this means that he only takes Saturdays and vacation off and Sundays is 50/50 work and relaxation.  This wouldn’t work for me because I work a lot of Saturdays and Sundays, but obviously I can take other days off instead.

He also continue to describe how he uses the resting time between his sets to answer emails, he does it while the coffee is brewing, when in the elevator, toilet breaks and even in meetings. His schedule is fully booked 2 weeks ahead and that’s how he likes it, I mean I would love that too and I could probably fill it up with a lot of good, actually productive day. Yes, he also fits in working out in the morning, even though he has a very packed schedule.


So to conclude this, ALL of us have time to get successful and everything else is just excuses. It’s all about finding out what works for you. But you have to understand that if you don’t do something different, nothing will ever be different either.

Now go dear and do something productive, something that you will be proud of when you put your head on your pillow tonight, and please feel free to tell me all about it!


The Sell – Fredrik Eklund

Have you guys read this book?
As soon as I found that this book was gonna get released I knew I had to read it. Unfortunately I haven’t come that far just yet, about 1/3. But I do find it quite interesting, but maybe slightly repetitive. I’m looking forward about getting to the part where he writes more about the actually selling part, I’m very excited to say the least!

