Getting fit for fall part 2

Now that you got your gym gear ready you’re be ready to hit the next step. “But what else could I need?” Love, you are not anywhere near ready!

Fitting the gym workouts in to your busy life is the next step!

This takes some planning, or a lot of planning more like. If you have a 9-5, Monday-Friday job, congratulations! Because I don’t, and a lot of people don’t, my work schedule variate from week to week which makes it impossible to say “I will work out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday” So I just have to plan the days in to my calendar and then I have to just keep reminding myself to check it every day.

But good news is that there are things like apps that can help you plan better and make it easier to actually fit in those gym workouts.

1st Workout Plan – Fitness Schedule & Journal by Matcha Labs

This app is perfect for the one who prefer making up their own workouts work outs. You can also schedule them in to specific days that will be repeated every week, every month or every blue moon (that’s when I planned my first marathon BTW)


2nd Buy a calendar or use the one on your phone

This is an essential tool for all of you who want to get your butt moving on a regular basis. Plan around your work schedule, and be realistic. If you don’t usually get up at 5 am, don’t try and book a spinning class at 5.30 am, you know it’s not going to happen.


3rd Find a friend to hit the gym with

It’s harder to have to come up with a new excuse to your friend every week than to yourself. So find a friend or two that want to get moving as well or at least someone who is at similar level as you. Go to different gym classes, or plan something different like kayaking or yoga in a park.

You are almost there, only one part left; the actual workouts!


Why I have to cancel the august workout challenge *sad face*

Yes, it’s true, and it’s very sad.

I’ve been sick for so long, just getting better from today really. So that’s 1,5 week of sickness, and i have therefore not been able to work out any more than just a few walks, so that’s…Very disappointing

But I’m not giving up though and this doesn’t mean that I will quit working out, the opposite actually. Now that I am finally getting better I feel like I have more energy than ever and I will be hitting the gym tomorrow and on friday. Wiho!

I will lower the 5 workouts to 3 workouts a week. Mostly because I walk a lot in my job and I’ve had to count these in to be able to reach the goal every week, just because I have been working long days and haven’t been able to go to the gym before or after.


The main reason of this challenge was to awake my interest for gym and fitness again, and I actually think it has. I’ve felt very restless when I haven’t been doing something so that’s really good!
